The Problem of Democracy

Democracy is good only when people are actively involved and they have enough knowledge about the subject of interest. When those are satisfied, democratic discussion between opposing sides should come down to finding the best solution and not about keeping a stronghold just for the sake of belonging to one side or another.

Original photo source: "democracy" by Camille King 

When this ideal does not exist (which is a frequent case in current democracies), people are subjected to whomever is better with words manipulating public opinion to his or her ends. Although this negative effect won’t be noticeable when both sides are similar, in the case of important decisions, this can have detrimental effects for the well being of the entire population of one country or region.

For example:
Imagine that there is group of people where the majority does not have basic knowledge about math. Among them, there is a person proposing the theory that “1 plus 1 equals 2.” As some people in that community do not agree with this statement, they democratically decided to put the theory to a vote. Around 10% of voters know that 1 + 1 is in fact 2, and everyone else is clueless.
Now, people are mainly divided into two major groups. Each group has its own media campaign saying either that 1+1 = 2 or that 1+1 = 3; other groups even say that sometimes it can be 1 or zero. In this way, only the skill of those who are campaigning will determine the end outcome.
In this case, 70% of people can decide that 1+1=3, regardless of the actual facts (being 2).
Now, everyone else has to comply with the wrong view of the majority.

Many times, a majority is not right, a majority is not intelligent, a majority is just a majority.

Knowledge that an emotional decision can overrule reason is terrifying. Many similar historical circumstances led our human civilisation into unaccountable issues, and we still experience the same thing.

“No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.“
- Winston Churchill

So, the question is: if we know that democracy is not good, why am I insisting on it trying so hard as to put it as an integral part of Basic Tax Control?

The aim is to gradually give more power to people by engaging them directly. That can be done only by education through activity. By becoming more skilful, smarter, and more involved, voters will understand subtle differences and gain necessary knowledge that will give them the ability to decide with reason, instead of being controlled like puppets through their emotional states (regardless of it being good or bad, without reason, they can equally create issues).

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