Lately, the Internet is booming with global-scale psychology experiments. You can call them marketing campaigns or viral media hypes, but, regardless, they all have a common factor. They all exploit the limits of human beings.
Discussion about blue/golden dress, colour of the purse , controversy abut complimentary stay in hotel as a Blogger or Putin ... is it all part of the same massive hysteria?
Regarding the latter, this time, I am not interested in whether there is substance to it or who is wrong or right; I would like to consider that we all have become puppets of the media. The media is rebooting our brains on a daily basis.
I absolutely agree: without any doubts, Trump is the worst person to be president ever. I even feel ashamed to remember I was thinking that there couldn’t be anyone worse than George W. Bush.
Regarding the 45th President, I find myself repeatedly asking the question, “Are we giving him too much credit?”
I mean both: republican for good things and democrat for bad things. Yes, presidents are powerful people, but shouldn’t we ask who is behind them? Who pulls the puppet strings and makes him dance? Who controls his mood, legislation, and foreign policies? So, before searching for a shadow to blame, maybe we should start looking for it within the U.S. borders first.
Maybe you are thinking that it is not possible to manipulate people, in fact, it is. Modern psychology can confirm that it is possible to devise a plan or strategy in such a way that it will reduce the targeted person’s number of choices, thus limiting his ability to be unpredictable. In that way, it would be much easier to plan the rest of the game. This is very similar to what illusionists David Blaine or Derren Brown would do.
That is not all. You don’t have your voice; your voice is distorted and controlled by internet tech giants ... mind, heart, soul...
Have you ever been pulled into the Shell game (three cups and a ball)? If you are not careful enough, you will get caught in a fraud. As it happens, you walk over Tower Bridge in London, and you will easily stumble upon them. It would be a terrible mistake to think that guy with the cups is only one. At least 10 people are in the game: 1 is doing the trick, 1 guy is helping him, 3 are watching for cops, 2 are watching the crowd, and at least 3 are pretending that they are part of the winning crowd. Those that do not suspect are shearing sheep.
Viral social media misunderstanding has, more than a few times, blown things out proportion, bullying people, leaving them out of jobs, and destroying their lives.
In the political arena, the Internet “shell game” became very dangerous: viral hatred toward any country or race loaded with nuclear weapons can quickly get out of hand.
So, the question I should ask is, “Who is playing me this time?”
And what is the solution?
Maybe to focus on practical solutions and stay out of the game.